Antioch Kids

Matthew 19:14

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Our mission is to reach the hearts of children and assist families in building a foundation for Spirit-filled, service-minded followers of Christ. We love your kids and our hearts' desire is to teach them the story of Jesus Christ and that they are a part of it! We have dedicated our lives to training these kids to passionately love Jesus Christ and to follow Him with their lives. He has created them for a purpose and to have abundant life in Him. We are dedicated to teaching kids the Scriptures in a way they can grasp which will reveal to them the heart of the living God, and even more importantly, we are here to help train you to do that. You are THE person the Lord has commissioned to teach your child about His love, and as you grow here at Antioch, we will help you to help your babies grow.

To help us accomplish our mission, we use a family-friendly curriculum that allows each of your children to study the same biblical concepts each week, and have some fun while they are doing it. Antioch Kids happens at Antioch Community Church on Sunday mornings during the 10:00 a.m. Celebration Service. We also offer a kid's discipleship time that builds on Sunday Morning's lesson in our midweek House Church meetings. The Kid's Ministry staff also offers Family Discipleship tools in our Kid's Connection area and throughout the year at holidays like Easter and Christmas will send home materials to help you and our family celebrate them while teaching them to be lovers and follower of Jesus.

Retelling the Bible story with playdoh
Engaging them in the lesson by asking them to help find the right picture pass
Worship through music and dance

Antioch Kids Discipleship Classes


Babies - Kindergarten
Helping to Connect your little ones to Jesus and His love in tangible ways to glorify God.


1st - 3rd Grade
Helping your student to Grow in their love for and understanding of who Jesus is as we give them ideas on how to live out their faith in their every day lives and glorify God.


4th - 6th Grade
Helping your preteen Bridge the gap between being a child and a teenager by giving them the strong foundation needed to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and glorify God.


Special Needs (1st - 7th grade)
Helping your student learn about God's love in such a way that they can Shine the light of Jesus in their lives and use their gifts to glorify God.

Sunday Morning

10:00 a.m.

Antioch Kids Ministry is in full swing . Kids will worship Jesus, learn from our amazing teachers, and be challenged to live like disciples all while having plenty of fun in the process.


It is our desire to provide age based material and discipleship activities for each of our discipleship classes. That means that each class will have a different lesson each week but we have worked to coordinate a theme that carries across all age groups to help you during your family discipleship time.

This month's simple truths: 
Connect Class: God Wants Me To Know Him
Grow and Bridge Classes: I Am Meant To Know God
Connect: Nursery-5 years
Grow and Bridge:  1st-6th grade

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