For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
We love our volunteers! You are essential to the life of our church. We believe volunteering is one of the best ways to worship God and find connection in church. There are many opportunities for you to use your time, talent, and skills to serve Jesus and our community. You’ll find you always get more than you give!

Volunteer Opportunities

Prayer Team
We are looking for people of prayer to volunteer for our prayer ministry! Do you have a heart for prayer and want to serve the church? We are looking for prayer warriors to serve on our prayer teams on Sunday mornings (end of service), during the week, and on our Freedom Prayer teams.

Volunteers on our Connections Team are some of the first people our attendees come in contact with at weekend services. They serve our church on a rotating schedule by greeting people before services, helping people find seats, and working at the Info Desk and Coffee Bar.

Antioch KIDS
Volunteers in Antioch KIDS minister to our infant - 6th graders during weekend worship services through song, biblical stories, and teaching the truth of God's Word. They help with check-in, lead or assist in classrooms, and sing or play in the worship band.

Volunteers on our Facilities Team serve behind the scenes, taking care of the church building and grounds, and they keep things looking great and working smoothly. Some duties include cleaning, building and grounds maintenance, prep for service and events, and trash removal.
Antioch YOUTH
Volunteers in our High School and Middle School Ministry get the opportunity to build and foster relationships with students, ministering to them through the teaching of Scripture, worship, and intentional discipleship. Our volunteers check-in students, greet students, set up events, and help lead small groups.

Volunteers on the Tech/Production Team keep things running smoothly during our weekend services and other events, giving our attendees a great experience meeting with the Lord and His Church. Some responsibilities include lighting, sound, slides, and service/event set up.

Volunteers on our Worship Team use their gifts and abilities to minister to the church body through the expression of worship to the Lord through music. They lead worship for Sunday services and other ministries and events throughout the week.
A major component to the Antioch heart is missions. Our volunteers work locally on our city-based mission outreaches and throughout the country in major cities where we partner with other church-planting organizations. Apply to be on our Mission Leadership Team or for one of our upcoming trips.
Serve in Our Church
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom
Serving in the church is an enormous way to help us move forward and train up generations for the Kingdom. Apply now to sign on with one of our great teams!
Volunteer FAQ
Who can volunteer with Kids and Students?
All are welcome to apply with our Kids and Teen ministries. We do have strict policies on who can serve in these areas because we take security very seriously. All applicants applying for Kids/Student ministries will need to go through our background screening and interview process.
Do I have to be a member to volunteer?
Anyone can apply to serve on one of our teams. Although we encourage membership, you can serve on a team without it. The exceptions are for ministry leaders and teachers who are required to be active Antioch covenant members.
How do I volunteer with music?
We are passionate about worship. Our worship teams lead on Sunday mornings, events, and in our House Churches. When you apply, our worship team leaders will contact you and schedule a meeting and audition. All skill levels are welcome and we will put you into a team according to your abilities.
How much will I be asked to serve?
Every ministry area has different requirements, but we try to schedule all team members in a rotation that allows for consistency in ministry areas and also time-off to stay refreshed and serving well. Sunday mornings are designed with two services so everyone has an opportunity to be in worship weekly.