Growing Together
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
We are very passionate about our teens. This is a very difficult world we live in and our deepest hearts' desire is to train up and equip Antioch teenagers to stand strong and be witnesses in this world. Mighty young men and women are needed in our schools and neighborhoods in a desperate way. Our desire is that our teens will make their faith their own and not walk away from it in college. We believe this will happen if they are led to the living God and truly give themselves over to Him because he has overwhelmed their lives and has become their purpose in live.
Our Youth Ministry isn’t just another cool activity to add to a busy schedule. It’s a place for students to encounter God personally, build deep friendships, and live out Acts 2:42-47 community. When students are devoted to Jesus, they can make a big impact in their homes, schools, and other areas of influence. We are committed to equip students to follow Jesus, thrive in this season of their lives, and have a lasting impact on the world around them. Our desire is for our time together to be encouraging, purposeful, impactful, and a ton of fun!
Our Youth Ministry isn’t just another cool activity to add to a busy schedule. It’s a place for students to encounter God personally, build deep friendships, and live out Acts 2:42-47 community. When students are devoted to Jesus, they can make a big impact in their homes, schools, and other areas of influence. We are committed to equip students to follow Jesus, thrive in this season of their lives, and have a lasting impact on the world around them. Our desire is for our time together to be encouraging, purposeful, impactful, and a ton of fun!
Check Out Our Upcoming Series and Events:
Join us on Sunday nights at the building from 5:15pm to 7:35 pm for a time of fun and games, worship, a message and small group sessions that will help you grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus as well as with other students.
Current Series: Christian Sexuality
It’s easy to see Christian conversations about sex and sexuality as a list of dos and don’ts we have to follow in order to make God happy. But what if this view misses the mark? In this series, we will explore God’s beautiful intent for sex, sexuality, and gender. We’ll discover that Jesus didn’t come to enslave us to a list of rules. He came to give us life and help us flourish as we align our sexual selves with the Creator’s plan.
Topics we will cover include, God's Love Story, Authority of Scripture, Singleness and Intimacy, Porn and Masturbation, Same Sex Sexuality, Transgender Identities, Dating and Friendships, and Following Jesus in a Sexualized World.
It’s easy to see Christian conversations about sex and sexuality as a list of dos and don’ts we have to follow in order to make God happy. But what if this view misses the mark? In this series, we will explore God’s beautiful intent for sex, sexuality, and gender. We’ll discover that Jesus didn’t come to enslave us to a list of rules. He came to give us life and help us flourish as we align our sexual selves with the Creator’s plan.
Topics we will cover include, God's Love Story, Authority of Scripture, Singleness and Intimacy, Porn and Masturbation, Same Sex Sexuality, Transgender Identities, Dating and Friendships, and Following Jesus in a Sexualized World.
Follow Antioch Wichita Youth:

When We Meet.

The Gathering
Antioch - Sunday
5:15p.m. - 7:35 p.m.
5:15p.m. - 7:35 p.m.
The Gathering is a worship service for the Antioch Youth that includes group games, worship, a message, and small group time. All students in 7th-12th grade are welcome.

House Churches
Wednesday Evenings
Various Times.
Various Times.
On week nights, students join House Churches as integral house church members. They worship with them, do bible studies, and use their gifts to serve in areas like worship, kids ministry, missions, ect.

Java with Jimmy and Service Days
Once a month Various Times
This is a great evening out with our Youth Pastor, Jimmy Hutson. Come and get a cup of java or some ice cream and study the Bible or serve with your friends.
Sunday Mornings
Antioch - 10 a.m.
Whether they are attending or serving our students are an integral part of our Sunday morning service. Come worship with us and hear relevant messages that will apply to all ages.
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
At Antioch Youth, we feel that discipleship is the key to building strong, Christ-led teens. Our ministry goal is to pair a younger teen with an older high-school student in a discipleship relationship or team up a student with a discipling adult from the body of Antioch. This is life-on-life ministry where they are meeting together weekly and teaching our students to walk with Jesus as their Savior.